from repoze.what.predicates import Predicate from classifieds.model import DBSession, Classified class user_is_poster(Predicate): message = 'Only %(poster)s can access classified ' \ '"%(classified)s"' def evaluate(self, environ, credentials): # Let's get the current user's Id. username = credentials.get('repoze.what.userid') # Finding the classified in URLs like # vars = self.parse_variables(environ) classified_id = vars.named_args.get('classified') # We got it, now let's load its object and poster: query = DBSession.query(Classified) classified = query.get(classified_id) poster = classified.poster # Finally, let's compare them: if poster.user_name != username: # The current user didn't post the classified # specified in the URL! The predicate isn't met classified_title = classified.classified_title self.unmet(poster=poster.user_name, classified=classified_title)